Seeing out 2020 with a good pal on New Year’s Eve.

Have you ever considered what your pet wants for the coming year? Maybe he’s not had enough exciting travels in 2020. We all know there have been too many restrictions for everyone and that includes for our dogs and cats, horses, goats etc. 2020 saw less dog shows, cat shows, horse events, and plenty of other animal activity gatherings.

We took Perry out in the boat fishing for the first time on December 31st. Actually it was the first time in my partner’s boat for me too. We’ve been out again since then. Perry enjoys eating the pilchards we have for bait and looks puzzled as to why we keep putting his dinner in the ocean. And “what’s with setting the little ones free to swim off again?? Wasn’t that fishy for me?”
Of course Perry wears a lifejacket like a responsible fisherdog. His is from Outward Hound. Its lightweight and doesn’t seem to bother him. 

A Dog’s Perspective on New Year Goals
Trying new things with little Perrylicious got me thinking. What would his New Year resolution be for his second year of life? He’s only turning one in two weeks. So there’s nothing to give up, surely. Being a typical Border Collie, I think he just wants to please me and have a happy life, in work and play. 

He even learned to swim and surf in the pool on Christmas Day with gentle help from his hoomans. 
Yes, he has a good life but there is one thing he needs to work on that my previous dogs never had to deal with and that’s being the only dog (or only child perhaps?) in the house. We occasionally have dogs come to stay and I’ve noticed that he should probably learn a bit about sharing and eat a small piece of humble pie. He never gets aggressive but looks outraged when visitors pick up one of his gazillion toys or gets cuddled before he does.

In the past I had no less than four or five dogs at a time and they were good at living the pack life, having to share and consider others besides themselves.

So my New Year’s resolution on behalf of Perry is that he must develop and grow into a ​well-mannered, vibrant adult who shares his space easily and helps me to educate on raising and rehabilitating all animals naturally, free of chemicals as much as possible. Just like his predecessor Blake who perfected the role of ​​nursing and caring for our rescues of a few species.

What do you think would be the first thing your animals would want for themselves this year? Abundant health? A new diet? More of your time? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear about your furkids.